Two of the most common questions asked of : how long does a divorce take; and how much will a divorce cost? In all transparency, these are two questions that are nearly impossible to answer because of the number of variables that impact...
A Family Law Attorney Offering Hope, Strength And Guidance
How divorce mediation can help children deal with divorce
Divorce is an emotional process, but it does not have to be an adversarial one. People in the midst of a divorce can find healthy outlets for their emotions and ways to cooperate with their spouses instead of engaging in conflict. Mediation can help divorcing couples...
Is a small business marital property in an Indiana divorce?
Spouses can only protect certain assets as their separate resources when they divorce by signing a prenuptial agreement that designates the business as separate property and protected it from division. Otherwise, a business interest is likely a marital asset subject...
Does cheating “matter” in an Indiana divorce case?
Infidelity is one of the top reasons for divorce, even among seemingly happy couples. The option of pursuing divorce on the grounds of infidelity does not exist in Indiana. However, proving your spouse not only cheated during the marriage, but also dissipated assets...
Re-entering the workforce following divorce
Divorce is a significant life event that can inspire various challenges, often especially for those who have been stay-at-home parents and homemakers during their marriage. One of the most pressing concerns for individuals in this situation is how to re-enter the job...
Top 3 mistakes people make in divorce
Couples often try to work things out for months, even years, before deciding to get divorced. However, no matter how long you have been preparing for the divorce, emotions can still get the best of you once the process begins. Here are a few of the mistakes you should...
Is mediation always the best choice?
On this blog, we often write about the benefits of mediation in divorce. For many people, mediation is the best option for resolving a divorce. Generally speaking, when compared to courtroom litigation, mediation is faster, less expensive and less likely to lead to...
Can my family law case benefit by trying mediation?
Family law cases are frequently portrayed in the most negative light possible. This stems from the perception that any divorce, child custody dispute, battle over property and other legal concerns mirror what happens in prominent, high-profile cases. Indiana residents...
What role does social media play during a divorce?
In today’s world, we often communicate with others via social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook more frequently than in person. In some ways, this ease of contact makes for witty comments or memes that convey passing feelings to our virtual audience....
A ‘gray divorce’ can lead to a happier future
Sometimes even if a couple in their 50s or 60s has been married for 20 years, 30 years or more they will find that as empty nesters they have drifted apart or they may be facing retirement and find that they have different goals in life. In such situations they may...