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Compassionate Legal Guidance On Divorce Modification In Indiana

Even after the finalization of a divorce decree, circumstances can change, necessitating the modification of the original divorce order. Smith Legal LLC can help you understand what can be modified and the factors influencing these modifications.

With over 20 years of experience, I represent clients in Hamilton, Marion, Madison, Boone, Hendricks and Johnson Counties addressing a variety of complex modification issues. My vast knowledge of family law, courtroom experience and negotiation skills allow me to advocate passionately and fairly for my clients’ rights. If you have a question about divorce, I am here to offer a straightforward and sound experience.

What Can Be Modified?

In Indiana, the most common elements subject to modification are:

  • Child custody: Changes in living arrangements, work schedules, lifestyles or the child’s needs can necessitate and justify modifications to custody agreements.
  • Child support: Adjustments may be required if there is a significant change in either parent’s financial situation, parenting time, custody, relocation, health insurance, child care costs, subsequent children, emancipation, in gross calculations (multiple children) or the child’s needs.
  • Spousal support (Spousal Maintenance): Modifications may be sought if circumstances change with finances, medical conditions/diagnoses, rehabilitation factors, or by virtue of terms of the agreement/court order.

Many factors that can influence whether a modification request is appropriate, granted and correct.  Understanding your rights and obligations during divorce modification is vital. I can provide that essential legal guidance and fact-sensitive analysis.

How Smith Legal LLC Can Help

Indiana law requires that any modification request must be made through the court. However, an agreement can be reached that is submitted to the court for approval – and after approval, the agreement becomes an enforceable court order. Unless approved by the court, no agreement is enforceable between the parties. Whether by agreement or through litigation, the process begins with filing a petition (or motion) to modify. Then it proceeds to settlement, often involving a requirement to mediate before proceeding to any court hearing.

Navigating the complexities of divorce modifications is challenging, often involving multiple options and potential results. For this reason, you should work with an experienced family law attorney like me. I can:

  • Explain the legal requirements;
  • Gauge the likelihood that modification will likely be granted;
  • Collect and present evidence to support the modification request; and
  • Advocate on your behalf during mediation or any court proceedings.

I can help ensure the process is handled efficiently and that your interests properly and fully represented.

Move On To A Brighter Future With Legal Guidance

Modifying a divorce decree is a delicate and intricate process that requires thorough knowledge of Indiana law. I help my clients understand the way forward, even after a divorce. Call 317-953-2572 or contact me online today for a free 15-minute telephone consultation.